The Grinnell Education Partnership would like to announce that applications are now being accepted for AmeriCorps VISTA service member positions for summer programming in the Grinnell, IA area. Summer Learning AmeriCorps VISTA Members will serve directly with children by leading activities focused on literacy programming, play, art, as well as individual, small group, and large group learning opportunities. Member responsibilities include supervising, monitoring, and ensuring the safety of children within the programs.

Summer Learning positions are scheduled to begin on Wednesday, June 1, 2022 and continue through August 2, 2022. Anticipated service hours will equate to approximately 35-40 hours per week across 9 weeks, with hours typically served Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Occasional afternoons, nights, weekends, and holidays may be required to meet host site needs.
There are 20 service member placements available across three host sites. To review the individual Host Sites and their respective job responsibilities, please refer to page 9 of the AmeriCorps VISTA Service Member Application included with this posting. The host sites this summer for programming include:
A partnership between Drake Community Library and the Grinnell College Museum of Art (3 positions available),
A partnership between LINK Summer Programming and the Grinnell-Newburg School District's Summer Learning Is Cool for Kids (SLICK) (16 positions available); and
Grinnell Area Summer Camp, hosted by the Grinnell Community Early Learning Center (1 position available).

To be eligible for these positions, all applicants must meet the following requirements:
Be at least 18 years of age at the date of enrollment (approximately May 1).
Have a high school diploma or its equivalent (or be in the process of obtaining one). College coursework, college degree, or equivalent work experience preferred.
Be a U.S. Citizen, national, or lawful permanent resident alien of the United States.
Successful completion and clearance of required background checks including a nationwide National Sex Offender check; a Statewide Criminal History check; a state of residence check if applicable.
Preference will be given to those who have interest or experience in education, are organized, self-motivated, reliable, and dependable; and have strong communication and teamwork skills.
AmeriCorps team members are eligible for the following service benefits:
Living allowance. Members will receive a living allowance of $2,589 for their term of service.
Education Award. Upon successful completion of service, service members are eligible for an education award. The education award is good for up to seven years. If the member is 55+, the award may be transferred to a child, grandchild, or foster child. For part time service, the award benefit is $1,311.11. You can find more information about the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award at this link.
Loan Forbearance. Qualified student loans are eligible for forbearance during AmeriCorps terms and many members qualify for income-based deferment of their student loans. (For more information on deferment/forbearance, visit Student Aid Loan Deferment.)
You can learn more about the benefits of being an AmeriCorps service member with Iowa/Minnesota Campus Compact at the VISTA Campus Benefits website.
How to Apply
Applicants will need to complete the Grinnell Education Partnership’s Summer Learning AmeriCorps VISTA Service Application, which you can download and complete here. Once your application is complete, please send it, along with a current resume to Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until all positions have been filled.
Please direct any questions to Liz Hansen at